Comprehensive database

Contains over 2700+ well-known verified public fatigue test data acknoledged by the industry and the academia, maintained by the Welded Structures Laboratory of Professor Pingsha Dong. Covers a wide variety of materials, thicknesses, industry fields, joint types, load types, etc.

Effective workflow

Conduct expert-level weldment fatigue analysis process with well-defined workflow, verified data and renowned fatigue evaluation parameters. Follow the steps to learn the cutting-edge fatigue analysis procedure and provide reliable fatigue test data support for your own application.

Query data and define dataset

Find data that fit your own application need with the powerful visual query builder, from simple selection to complex filter rules. Group data as you wish based on your need.

User-defined fatigue parameter

Boost the flexibility in parametric fatigue evaluation by defining your own fatigue parameter. No coding required. Put available variables and your constants into the equation. Keep track of the parameter with natural equation display.

Plot S-N chart and predict fatigue life

Pair up your datasets and parameters to form an S-N scatter chart. S-N curves calculated for you based on the chart definition. Check out linear regression results. Predict fatigue life based on S-N curve of your choice.

Data statistics

Learn how the data in your datasets or in the entire database look like by taking a look at some descriptive statistics and histogram.